The scientific name for banded cichlid fish is Heros Severus and also called as Cichlasoma severum. They actually have bands on their scales, which makes fish look attractive, and this is how the...
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The potato puffer or the Congo puffer is also known with the scientific name Tetraodon miurus. Now the Congo puffer fish is a very popular species among "oddball' aquarists and has some interesting...
Cardinals is the most renowned wild winged creatures in America. A few cardinals are not very picky about what to eat and so forth. They will eat whatever you feed them, though, a few cardinals are...
Can Fish see in the dark? At first, let's think, we being humans, cannot even walk at least for some time in darkness, now imagine a fish in deep-sea waters which hardly have light filters. They...
Can cats eat Sashimi…?? Can cats eat raw meat…?? Can cats eat raw food…?? Sashimi is a raw food which is pierced into small and thin parts. Most of the people get confused between the...
Can dogs eat Acai berries? Are Acai berries Safe or Poisonous for dogs?
I have seen a lot of confusions and statements on "Can dogs eat Acai berries?" "Are Acai berries safe to feed dogs?" "Are Acai berries poisonous for dogs?" A few...