White coated dogs like Maltese may develop very ugly, distracting, red-brownish tear stains. Many Maltese dog owners come with this concern that their Maltese dog has developed tear stain...
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There has been intense debate on this issue of feeding raw meats among cat lovers. Many say it is safer; others say risky, and they don't recommend it at all. But here in this article, you...
A complete list of foods finches can eat (and what shouldn’t)
Congratulations on adopting a finch! But do you know, How to take care of them?OrWhat kind of food finch really likes to eat?AndWhat kind of foods can harm them? Don't worry, in this article;...
Are tetras schooling fish? Why is Schooling Important for the Tetras?
Tetras are colourful, calm, and most peaceful fish, and it’s this feature that makes this fish ideal for all hobbyists, it may be for beginners or advanced. Many people, before buying tetra fish...
The American Kennel Club describes beagles as an excellent hunting dog and a loyal companion. They are popular, loving dogs that make a wonderful addition to every home. They are excellent...
Can cats eat pork|Can cats eat raw pork/pork loin/ground pork?
As we all know, cats are carnivores and fond of meat, but are you going to feed pork to your cat…? You might think that pork is also a regular meat item for your feline partner, but in reality,...