Many dog owners complain about the raw spot on their dog’s nose/ kennel nose after recent boarding. Most of the complaints are that their dogs are giving themselves Kennel nose by rubbing their nose’s tip. They are also worried about the condition as it is normal, or there is some reason behind it?
Getting a red spot on the nose is a very common condition in the dog nose when boarding. This condition is known as Kennel nose. This is more common in dogs, even in five-star doggie resorts.
Here in this article, we will learn about the reason for the dogs getting kennel nose, the prevention, and the most important, “How to treat kennel nose in dogs at home.”
Before jumping to the Kennel nose treatment, it is important to understand the reason or cause for this condition.
Some dogs may love rubbing their nose while, in some cases, the nose’s rubbing may be an indication for some underlying issues.
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Reason for the Kennel nose in dogs:
Here we list you some reasons for the nose rubbing behavior of your dog:
Separation anxiety
Constant nose rubbing may give a signal of separation anxiety. The dog especially rubs the nose on a rough surface when they are left alone.
The dogs suffering from separation anxiety typically exhibit this behavior.
Behavior instincts:
Dogs have some in-borne patterns. When far from home in the boarding, the instinct mode of canines kicks into a higher gear.
Because of heredity, the dogs have instincts to hide their food in a safe place away from other dogs and protect their stash.
You may notice the dogs playing happily at the boarding kennel all day, but at the dinnertime, they try to bury their food instantly under their bedding.
In the process of planting their food, they can get their snouts to bruise or be injured.
According to research, it is proven that dogs like to eat without interference from other dogs. In the boarding, they get their separate sleeping kennels where they can protect their food.
Change in food:
The change in the food may also be the reason behind triggering the response of nose rubbing in dogs.
Dirty face:
In an attempt to clean dirt, food, or other substances that they got stuck in their fur, it is common in dogs to rub their face or nose with the closest available surface.
This behavior is more common in wrinkly pooches like Boston terriers, pugs, and bulldogs.
Pain/ Discomfort:
Sometimes dog rubs their nose to alleviate the pain because of the trapped object inside their nose, abscess, a tooth infection, or a bee sting or bug bite.
This pain makes him rub his nose and get a kennel nose.
One of the primary reasons behind the rubbing of the nose by a dog is itching. All itching is not responsible for the concern, but sometimes the constant nose rubbing may lead to kennel nose in the dog because of parasitic infection, or allergy, fleas, or mites.

Since prevention is better than cure.
Here we are trying to provide you with some tips to prevent your dog from rubbing their nose and getting kennel nose:
Prevent Separation anxiety:
Since separation anxiety is the major reason for the dogs getting Kennel nose, to make your dog learn to be comfortable when they are left alone by following some simple tips:
The best way to keep your adorable friend comfortable while boarding is to make him habitual to being separated from you slowly.
Get him to join a local dog club and help him get socialized. Try to make him comfortable away from you.
The commercial boarding kennels are not the only option for the dog owner to go for a vacation.
If you find your dog more comfortable at home, the pet sitter is going to be a way better option.
And how about asking your friend or neighbor to take care of your pet either in your house or in theirs? These options will make the time of your dog away from you a lot distressing.
While packing for your dog, you should ensure the packing of stuff that reminds him of his family and home.
This will make him feel more comfortable with familiar sight and smells. Try to send your dog with many of his belongings like his favorite toy, bed, and food and water bowls.
With friends, the dog becomes less homesick. So before choosing the option or facility for your dog, make sure that he will get sufficient exercise and his doggie friends.
The dog is less likely to get stressed and anxious when he is entertained. So send him with some of his favorite toys like puzzle toys or dispensing balls. Some chewy treats or toys will keep him busy and make him more comfortable and less stressed.
Less the separation anxiety, less he will rub his nose, and simultaneously there will be less chance of getting him the kennel nose.
Cleaning your dog’s fur:
As mentioned, a dirty face may make your dog rub their face or nose and get a kennel nose. So regularly cleaning their fur will help in curbing their nose rubbing habit.
Itching or pain:
Try to figure out the reason that makes your dog rub his nose. You can take help from the vet to address the underlying reason.
The vet can detect the reason through examinations and treat the reason that is causing your dog to rub nose so much.
However, if the cause for rubbing the nose is a seasonal allergy, you should remove items like rugs or other fabric that can trap allergens.
Regular baths will also help get rid of allergens trapped in your adorable puppy’s fur.
If you find out that your dog is having a habit of rubbing their nose, you can correct him with a firm “NO” when he rubs his nose. And you can distract him with the help of some toys or healthy treats.
How to treat Kennel nose in dogs at home?
All the preventions are acceptable before the dog gets the kennel nose. But after getting your dog with a kennel nose, the first question that comes to mind is “How to treat Kennel nose in dogs at home.”
We suggest you wash the rubbed area genteelly with antibacterial soap and water for the kennel nose treatment.

Application of a warm washcloth for 2 to 3 times for 5 minutes in a day is beneficial in kennel nose treatment.
After proper washing and drying it well, you should apply some antibiotic or antiseptic ointment without steroid. Steroids may cause a delay in healing.
Rub the ointment properly. Ensure that you are not applying too much ointment as it may cause your dog to lick some ointment.
Note: If your dog is not showing signs of healing or there is the development of fever, appetite loss, vomition, and diarrhea in your dog, we suggest you consult your veterinarian immediately. Also, consult with your veterinarian when the spot becomes hot, red, and challenging.
The bottom line:
So these are some reasons and the method to treat kennel nose in dogs at home.