Jujube, alternatively known as Chinese dare, is originated from Southern Asia, but now it is widely cultivated throughout the world. The jujube fruit is known to have several beneficial roles in the human body but are they good for dogs?
Dog owners impressed by the taste and benefits of jujube fruit have queries that can dog eat Jujube? People ask that can they offer Jujube to their dogs? Will the jujube fruits will act the same way in the dog as they work in the human body?
Well, the answer is no. Though you can give a moderate amount of the pulp of the fruit to your dog, it should be within the limit. Jujube is known to have high sugar content. Sugar is not good for dogs. In the case when your furry friend can digest a bit of sugar, you can offer him or her a moderate amount of the pulp of these fruits.
But make sure you are not giving the seeds and the pits part of this fruit. The seeds and pits of this fruit are bitter in taste and have a deteriorating impact on dogs’ health.
Today in this article, we will explain to you, can dogs eat Jujube? If not, then Why? If yes, then how much quantity of the jujube fruit is allowed for a dog?
Table of Contents
Can dogs eat Jujube?
As mentioned above, the jujube fruit is not so good for dogs. Though the fruit is known to have a beneficial role in the human body. But as a dog owner, you should understand that dogs are different from humans. They have different metabolism.
Humans digest the jujube fruit in a different way, while the dogs digest it differently. Jujube fruit is rich in sugar content which is not good for dogs’ health. High sugar is reported to cause digestive upset and other issues in the dog. If your fido can digest a bit of the sugar amount, you can offer a moderate amount of the jujube fruit pulp as an occasional treat.
Ensure you have removed all the seeds and the pit portion from the fruit while offering it to your canine buddy. The seeds and pits are bitter in taste and have a negative impact on the dog’s health.
Consumption of the jujube fruit’s seeds is reported to cause respiratory illness in dogs. The seeds are rich in cyanide content, so the dogs should not consume them as a cyanide is toxic in dogs.
What are some health benefits of the Jujube’s pulp in dogs?
Despite the high sugar content, some ingredients are available in its pulp, which is actually beneficial for dogs. These are:
Vitamin C: Like in humans, Vitamin C is good for dogs as well. It is an important antioxidant that removes the potentially harmful free radicals from their body and thus prevents aging. Though dogs have the ability to synthesize Vitamin C on their own, still the supplementation of this Vitamin C is reported beneficial in dogs.
Dietary Fiber: Constipation is one of the common issues in dogs as well. Since the fruit is high in dietary fiber, they play an essential role in resolving this issue. The rich dietary fiber content in this fruit is gut-friendly and thus will keep the tummy of your fido happy.
The fruit is also reported to have a calming effect on dogs and keep them relaxed.
Why should the seeds of this Jujube fruit not be consumed by the dogs?
The seeds and pit portion of the jujube fruit are rich in cyanide content. Thus they are reported to have a deteriorating impact on dog’s health. They cause respiratory illness and, in higher amounts, can cause respiratory failure in dogs.
Final words
In the case when your dog can digest sugar, you can offer him/ her a moderate amount of the Jujube pulp without any issue. But make sure you are not offering them the complete fruit with seeds and pits. The seeds and pits, as mentioned, are known to have a negative impact on your fido’s health.