The feijoa fruit looks like round to oval shape with light green or dark green skin color. It has an aromatic scent fragrance that is sweet and tastes like the mixed fruit of strawberry, Guava, and Pineapple.
Coming to the question, “Can dogs eat feijoa fruit?”
Yes, dogs can eat feijoa fruit, but only the inside pulpy content is safer for your dog to eat. The pulpy fruit inside should be taken out and fed to your canine. This feijoa has numerous values in it, which may benefit your pup’s health and tastes good to them; thus it enjoys having it.
The outer layer of the feijoa fruit (skin) should be removed completely as it can be toxic for your dogs. Along with the skin of feijoa fruit, the feijoas plant and leaves are also not safe for your dog.
Though it is confirmed from researches that the skin of feijoa has higher vitamin C content than flesh, but it’s not recommended for dogs.
There are some particular reasons behind why dogs can eat feijoa but not the skin. Let’s explore them in the article further, not only about the skin but also about feijoa benefits on dogs and what happens if the dog eats their leaves.
Table of Contents
Is feijoa good for dogs?
What are the health benefits of feijoa for dogs?
Yes, absolutely like humans, feijoas are a good source of nutritional benefits to dogs. They possess numerous values in them like vitamin B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin k. it also contains fiber and minerals like iron, manganese, potassium, and phosphorus.
Vitamin B3 | Vitamin B3 in feijoas helps your dog in generating energy by converting carbohydrates and fats. It even boosts up the growth hormone in them and stimulates their mental growth as well. |
Vitamin B5 | The metabolism rate can be regulated effectively by vitamin B5 and controls the effective functioning of enzymes |
Vitamin B6 | The red blood cells are very important for dogs inner functioning which can be enabled by this vitamin B6 from feijoas. Vitamin B6 also contributes in production of insulin and hemoglobin. |
Vitamin B7 | A fine digestion in dogs is made possible by getting Vitamin B7 from feijoas. It furthers breaks down the fats, proteins and vitamins by which dog’s body make best use of them internally. |
Vitamin C | Usually dogs develop Vitamin C inside their body but for the dogs suffering from Vitamin C deficiency, feijoas is one of the best fruit for them to have. Also adding to that collagen tissue is manufactured with the help of Vitamin C that secures body ligaments, tendons, organs, bones and muscles |
Vitamin K | Vitamin K in feijoas help dogs body in clotting process and helps them in curing. |
Antioxidants | Two main antioxidants, flavonoids and glycosides present in Feijoas lowers the risk of degenerative neurological problems and improves focus and memory as well in them. |
Fiber | Fiber in feijoas strengthens your pup gut health. Fibers aids in bowel stability and produces firm stools. Comparatively with other complex carbohydrates, fiber is good source and important nutrition as it absorbs more water and regulates intestine functioning effectively. |
Iron | As we know, Iron deficiency in dogs can cause Anemia. So dogs suffering with iron deficiency can have this fruit thus helps in promoting oxygen transfer in hemoglobin. |
Manganese | Manganese is one of the important mineral for dogs pin promoting their bone and joints health. They also stops the active oxidation inside the dog’s body which can make your dog free from radicals. Also acts as a catalyst in promoting kidney and liver effective functioning. |
Potassium | Dogs with potassium deficiency can be prone to hypokalemia and kidney related deceases. So potassium in feijoas can lower these risks if fed to them in moderation. Also potassium plays a vital role in proper functioning of heart, nerves and muscles. |
Can dogs eat feijoa skins?
Feijoa skins are not recommended for dogs because research has proved that skin contains more amount of vitamin C in them than the inside flesh. But dogs are known to self-synthesize Vitamin C from their livers; hence they don’t need much of vitamin C. So if the feijoa is given to them along with skin, the vitamin C in skin and in fruit can actually become overdose to them, which ultimately leads to some adverse results.
Excessive vitamin C can form calcium oxalate in dogs, which allows the formation of bladder stones in the kidney. Adding to this, digestive distress and diarrhea can also be considered as the symptoms of vitamin C overdose. That’s one of the reasons not to recommend feijoas skin to dogs.
Also, while growing them or when transported to markets, these feijoas are sprayed with some chemicals and pesticides in order to be stored for a long time. They get stacked on the surface of fruits, which turns up to be very harmful to dogs when consumed. So it’s better you avoid the skins of feijoa fruit.
Are feijoa fruit toxic for dogs?
Feijoas are not toxic to dogs and extremely safe for them to eat. But as discussed above, feijoa has to be fed after peeling the skin as it may sometimes cause problems for your pup’s health. Dogs can benefit out of eating feijoas fruits unless pesticides and chemicals used on them and eaten without cleaning them properly; feijoa is a good and healthy fruit for dogs. Moderation is key here and should not be given regularly while relying on feijoa fruit; neglecting other essential diet is completely foolish.
When to feed feijoa for dogs?
When the feijoa is at its optimum ripeness, then it will fall down from the tree as a sign of complete fruit. The feijoa fruit’s maturity is not always visual as this fruit remains in the same green color shade until they get overripe. If you pick the fruit from the tree before they are ready to fall from the tree or if eaten before they are fully ripe, then the feijoa fruit will not have any of their flavor and richness of taste.
How to feed feijoa for dogs?
If the atmosphere is too warm for the feijoa fruit, then the fruit’s interior turns brown and decays in 3 to 4 days if kept in the same condition. It should be stored at a cool temperature so that the fruits can remain in good condition for a longer period.
- The fruit you want to feed your dog should be fresh, clean, and neat.
- Cut the feijoa fruit into half, scoop out the inside pulpy creamy content and then feed it to your dog.
- Peel the feijoas skin off before you serve them.