Gained popularity from the animated movie 101 Dalmatians by Disney, this dog is sleek and athletic with a history of several years back. This breed is recognized as an active and working breed....
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Popularly known as a star of Disney’s 101 Dalmatians, there are several myths and facts associated with the Dalmatian’s training. It is one of the most popular myths that it is impossible...
It is very common for dogs to get allergies. Several types of allergies are common in dogs. Like humans, the pollen grains found on grasses are the main reason for allergies in dogs. The same...
It is not a new thing when a dog eats plastic. But the eating of plastic by the dog whom you love so much is often a panic for the owner. After seeing such a scenario, the first question that arises...
Physalis, alternatively known as Goldenberries, is a kind of berry that is one of the most common ingredients in human food. The berry, which is commonly used to decorate the top of the dessert, is...
Jujube, alternatively known as Chinese dare, is originated from Southern Asia, but now it is widely cultivated throughout the world. The jujube fruit is known to have several beneficial roles in the...